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Purpose: The purpose of this project was to raise awareness towards undocumented deportation. We believe people should be aware about what is going on around their community. Deportation is a wrong thing and no one should go through it. 


Relationship: This project is connected to Areas of Family and Consumer Science because we are trying to keep and save families. We are trying to better families and keep them going in the right direction.


Background Information: Thousands of deportations occur to undocumented people every year. These deportations can change a person's life. They can ruin an amazing future that one had ahead of them. One comes to the United States for a better opportunity and instead they recieve their worst nightmare. Some people don't even do anything wrong and still suffer the consequences. We should all have an opportunity to do better; no one should go through an experience like this.


Change Goal: The goal of this project is to raise awareness against deportation. People should understand what someone goes through when going through this terrifying experience. Everyone should have a chance to have a better future.

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